Do you believe I am horse crazy, or just crazy?

Sunday, April 17, 2011

18 April 2011: Down With Purple Trades!

Apparently, accountable for your actions does not transfer to all people...

So to explain the strange title, in the military we have certain trades that are considered "purple". By purple, we mean that either navy (black), army (green), or airforce (blue), can be this trade without having to be a specific arm of the forces. But there is a problem with these purple trades. Because they are purple and there seems to be no loyalty among them, they are quite out for themselves, though within their own trade, they are also very backstabbing. The typical scenario with these trades as well is that they are support trades, as in they exist purely to support specialized trades, like mine. I'm guessing this doesn't make them too happy, but that's not my problem with all of this. If they want to backstab, fine. If they want to be assholes to each other and to me, fine. But for goddess' sake, if they have to make a mistake, and I mean a huge, pigheaded, moronic, "I seem to have lost my head up my ass, Sir" mistake, then be accountable for your actions! This, apparently, is not the case. The instance that has me so up tight is with a certain clerk here in Afghanistan. Now since names are not exactly my strong point as few of you who might read this will actually know who I am, the clerk in question will simply be called "Bitch", as this is what I have been referring to her as for the past two days.

So the story goes like this...

Our original travel plans for coming home were simple, easy painless. Our crew of ten was to board a service flight from KAF to Spang, Germany, stay overnight in Bitburg, then at stupid o'clock the next morning board another service flight from Spang again direct to Trenton. Easy, no? Of course it was. It was so easy the Bitch who was in charge of booking everything (and note that we were to leave KAF in the first place at 2am on April 30th) decided of her own accord to book us an entirely different way. We are currently booked to leave at 2am on April 26th on a service flight to Spang, stay over night in Bitburg, get up at moronic stupid o'clock to shuttle all the way to Frankfurt, Germany to take a civilian airliner to Heathrow, England, stay in an airport for 3-4hrs, get on a different plane, fly to Toronto, then take a shuttle bus back to Trenton to arrive late on April 27th. To most people this might sound like then better plan other than the plane hopping parts, but I will list the various reasons it is not. Forst is the fact that the more days we spend in KAF, the more money we make. Of course the 400-800$ each of us would make more with those extra four days (pay depends on rank) does not compare to the 2200$ each that was spent to send us on civilian flights, not to mention the added cost of the shuttle buses. So more than 22000$ spent to send us home when they could have sent us on FREE service flights that take us directly home and less than 10000$ spent to pay us is apparently a better decision to the Bitch. Second, it was her office's idea and request to send us on the service flights rather than the civilian choice, so it makes little to no sense that she would, of her own accord, make a completely different decision than that of her own chain of command, and I am also seriously questioning the reasoning of the person who approved of her choice, as it is known that she would have needed higher approval in the first place to make such extravagent purchases. Third, through a terribly blown up miscommunication and tattle-taling from Bitch, my unit was accused of misappropriation of funds. Now logically, all my chain of command was asking was if the problem could be rectified, as it had not been our fault and we were now being robbed of more days in KAF and a promised simpler ride home. Of course we were shit on for asking such a question because heaven forbid that we ask those who make the mistakes to hold themselves, and be held, accountable for their actions. Do I shrug my shoulders, say "Oops!" and walk away scot free if I cause a severe accident to occur on the aircraft? No. I would practically strung up, especially if it were negligence that caused the accident. But if you've paid attention, where is this negligence? There isn't any, is there? And I come to my final point. The email trail that was left after this disaster occurred followed as such. The Bitch emailed our CoC to ask if we would mind staying until the morning of the 30th. We responded on the 2nd of April through CoC that we agreed to that. This email was ignored. The tickets for the civilian flight were purchased April 11th, a whole 9 days after receipt of the email confirming the 30th, not the 26th. We were then notified of the change on April 15th, when a call was made to ask if it could be changed due to the mistake. It was then during that call that she found the "missing" email... So as I said, it really pisses me off that certain people, and trades when it comes to the military, are not held accountable for their actions. Especially because her entire office has been nothing but rude to our crew ever since the incident, and not one of us have had actual contact with this woman, but she lives right next door, happy as a clam and completely unaware how close we are.

I hope she sleeps with her eyes open, because I would.

Revenge is best served cold,
Lady S.

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