Do you believe I am horse crazy, or just crazy?

Monday, May 16, 2011

16 May 2011: The Bookshelf Test

Phenomenons are caused by people, not mystery...

So apparently there's a bookshelf test that is able to tell one of their dateability. This was started by on Lesley, and was carried on by one Trevor, and now I am plopping my ass down beside both of them on this amusing band wagon that  seems to be spreading itself around Ontario. So I'm not toally sure as to how this works, and even with my small amount of knowledge in Psychology, I am still skeptical as to how it tests dateability and rather prefer to see it as proof of someone's personality over everything else. So on my bookshelf (thank goodness I only really have one as my miniature ones contain nothing but historical romance books and DVDs) I have the following... (they are listed from top shelf to bottom shelf.)

Here we go:

Large table candle - 2 horse sculptures from Afghanistan - one horse sculpture from Barrie 400 Flea Market - one light up dragon statue - bouquet of fake black roses - fake yellow rose - water bubble light up thingy

4 Seth McFarlane's Dragons - 4 various dragon statues - 3 various horse statues - a witch statue from my ex - a used paint palette

A Wall-E toy still in its box - a cat and an owl sculpture from Blue Mountain Pottery (it no longer exists) - 8 bottle of acrylic paint - 2 Hello Kitty figurines - a magic eightball - a miniature model of a De Havilland DH-98 "Mosquito" - a glass horse head carving - a Hasbro puppy toy - a dragon lady statue - old bookmarks - incense sticks - a picture of my ex's son at 3yrs old - old Christmas cards - an Achmed the Dead Terrorists tour patch from my buddy Terry - a candle - a blown glass horse from Italy with one leg broken

An equestrian playset still in the box - a light up candle water fall thing - a giftbow set of Brugal Rum from the Dom. Republic - 3 Dancing Hamsters (Lowrider Shyler, Turkey, and Sgt. Scruffy) - A seth McFarlane's Dragon still in the box - a stuffed purple lamb - a candle in a tin - a giant black unicorn head statue

Folding easel with paints and brushes in hidden drawer - sketch book - mini canvases - folder with past writing and other works - printed out instruction manual for electric fencing - journal from on tour - journal of music I've tried to learn on acoustic guitar - paint by number painting I did in oil paint when I was 13 - picture of Marvin, my cat - 2 old fashioned metal lunch boxes (women in the war and gothic Hello Kitty) - birthday cards - picture of my ex in front of his 18-wheeler down in Vegas - military name tags - test paint block

Easy Steps to Riding and Horse Care - The Other Realm - Getting Stronger (Bill Pearl) - Encyclopedia of the Cat - Encyclopedia of Modern Military Jets - 3X SRB HS Yearbooks - Psychology: Themes & Variations - Inked Mag - Hustler - Heavy Metal - Grimm Fairytales Comicbooks - Horse MagsUltimate Halloween 2010 Mag - The Guerilla Girls Beside Companion to the History of Western Art - 3X Calvin and Hobbes books - Spells for Love and Success - Military First Aid - photo album - A Beginner's Guide to Day Trading Online - Beowulf - Women, Art, and Society - A Witches' Bible - King of the Wind - Astrology and Horoscopes - Dictionary of Dreams - English Dictionary/Thesaurus - Position of the Day Playbook - The Pocket Guide to Rituals - Intro to Philosophy Reading Package - Nickelback Music books - Printouts on Pagan Weddings and Horse Jumping Tips - Horse and Shooting magazines - phonebook - Greenhawk Horse supplies catalogue - Happy Bunny folder - household file folder

So that is my extensive bookshelf. I will link you to the afforementioned bookshelves and see what you think of Trevor and Lesley's dateability as it pertains to their bookshelves.

Lady S.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

07 May 2011: Video

Here is a little video of Forest and I having fun at Gwinhurst! Figured it was time to show how we do things!

Lady S.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

18 April 2011: Down With Purple Trades!

Apparently, accountable for your actions does not transfer to all people...

So to explain the strange title, in the military we have certain trades that are considered "purple". By purple, we mean that either navy (black), army (green), or airforce (blue), can be this trade without having to be a specific arm of the forces. But there is a problem with these purple trades. Because they are purple and there seems to be no loyalty among them, they are quite out for themselves, though within their own trade, they are also very backstabbing. The typical scenario with these trades as well is that they are support trades, as in they exist purely to support specialized trades, like mine. I'm guessing this doesn't make them too happy, but that's not my problem with all of this. If they want to backstab, fine. If they want to be assholes to each other and to me, fine. But for goddess' sake, if they have to make a mistake, and I mean a huge, pigheaded, moronic, "I seem to have lost my head up my ass, Sir" mistake, then be accountable for your actions! This, apparently, is not the case. The instance that has me so up tight is with a certain clerk here in Afghanistan. Now since names are not exactly my strong point as few of you who might read this will actually know who I am, the clerk in question will simply be called "Bitch", as this is what I have been referring to her as for the past two days.

So the story goes like this...

Our original travel plans for coming home were simple, easy painless. Our crew of ten was to board a service flight from KAF to Spang, Germany, stay overnight in Bitburg, then at stupid o'clock the next morning board another service flight from Spang again direct to Trenton. Easy, no? Of course it was. It was so easy the Bitch who was in charge of booking everything (and note that we were to leave KAF in the first place at 2am on April 30th) decided of her own accord to book us an entirely different way. We are currently booked to leave at 2am on April 26th on a service flight to Spang, stay over night in Bitburg, get up at moronic stupid o'clock to shuttle all the way to Frankfurt, Germany to take a civilian airliner to Heathrow, England, stay in an airport for 3-4hrs, get on a different plane, fly to Toronto, then take a shuttle bus back to Trenton to arrive late on April 27th. To most people this might sound like then better plan other than the plane hopping parts, but I will list the various reasons it is not. Forst is the fact that the more days we spend in KAF, the more money we make. Of course the 400-800$ each of us would make more with those extra four days (pay depends on rank) does not compare to the 2200$ each that was spent to send us on civilian flights, not to mention the added cost of the shuttle buses. So more than 22000$ spent to send us home when they could have sent us on FREE service flights that take us directly home and less than 10000$ spent to pay us is apparently a better decision to the Bitch. Second, it was her office's idea and request to send us on the service flights rather than the civilian choice, so it makes little to no sense that she would, of her own accord, make a completely different decision than that of her own chain of command, and I am also seriously questioning the reasoning of the person who approved of her choice, as it is known that she would have needed higher approval in the first place to make such extravagent purchases. Third, through a terribly blown up miscommunication and tattle-taling from Bitch, my unit was accused of misappropriation of funds. Now logically, all my chain of command was asking was if the problem could be rectified, as it had not been our fault and we were now being robbed of more days in KAF and a promised simpler ride home. Of course we were shit on for asking such a question because heaven forbid that we ask those who make the mistakes to hold themselves, and be held, accountable for their actions. Do I shrug my shoulders, say "Oops!" and walk away scot free if I cause a severe accident to occur on the aircraft? No. I would practically strung up, especially if it were negligence that caused the accident. But if you've paid attention, where is this negligence? There isn't any, is there? And I come to my final point. The email trail that was left after this disaster occurred followed as such. The Bitch emailed our CoC to ask if we would mind staying until the morning of the 30th. We responded on the 2nd of April through CoC that we agreed to that. This email was ignored. The tickets for the civilian flight were purchased April 11th, a whole 9 days after receipt of the email confirming the 30th, not the 26th. We were then notified of the change on April 15th, when a call was made to ask if it could be changed due to the mistake. It was then during that call that she found the "missing" email... So as I said, it really pisses me off that certain people, and trades when it comes to the military, are not held accountable for their actions. Especially because her entire office has been nothing but rude to our crew ever since the incident, and not one of us have had actual contact with this woman, but she lives right next door, happy as a clam and completely unaware how close we are.

I hope she sleeps with her eyes open, because I would.

Revenge is best served cold,
Lady S.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

9 April 2011: So Anxious It's Insane!

Like clutching the edge of the desk waiting for the bell to ring, it won't make it come any faster, but you still hope...

That is what I feel like right now. I am going crazy to ride, and I almost want to do that as the first act I make as soon as I get home. I'm eager beyond bbelief to get into the saddle and start showing this summer. It will be my first summer of english shows and I hope to do well enough to put some miles under both Forest and I in order to move forward in that area. What will help will be my new truck and trailer. It's almost a good thing that I wrapped my poor little Ranger around a telephone pole because this enables me to get a new vehicle so that I can tow my new 2 horse trailer. Lucky for me again that my wonderful boyfriend was willing to lend me the money to buy my trailer before I left for Afghanistan because it was an absolute steal! All I have to do now is change the registration, along with pay the almost 300$ in taxes I'll owe on it, and get it insured for the year. Also actually procuring my truck once the old one is officially paid off will be good too.

But otherwise I am jumping in my skin to start practicing for shows, take some much needed lessons to prep, and enjoy the show season. I'm very lucky that my boyfriend is not incompetant, one of my friends, Leslie, is totally stoked to be my groom and help me through the show season by giving me tips from her days of eventing on the east coast, and to be independant when I do go and start these new classes. Gaming last year was a lot of fun, but with how much stress it put on my gelding's back and how little room for improvement I had without buying another horse as Forest was the biggest animal competing, I figure I'll use his stature and his confidence over the jumps to good use. Plus he is such a handsome boy with his mane all braided and his coat shiny. Hopefully he'll be calmer than he was the first show I did in english with him, but honestly I wasn't as ready for that as I could have been, and he didn't have enough experience to be ready either. But I have a different angle this year and a great support group. Sterling will be there to film my rounds so I can learn from them and take some awesome pics, though I doubt they'll turn out as well as Curtis' photos, which I will probably still buy a few for my family. But also I plan to take Forest everywhere..... all the time. He'll get so used to seeing new scenery that it will be nothing new for him to show up somewhere and just go like he's at home, because he is wonderful and fluid and a beautiful mover at home, but one ounce of stress and he tightens up and freaks out on me. I just need to keep him at a good pace and get him to not be lazy so he doesn't drop down to a trot in the middle of a round, because god knows he does it at home! I'm still super excited though. I have a new saddle, new trailer, I'll have a new truck, my own groom, new support system, and a new attitude. I can do this, and I will blow people out of the water this year!

Here I come HCRC, Windfield Meadows, and Quinte Cup! Laugh if you may, but I will make the attempt!

Here goes,
Lady S.

Friday, April 1, 2011

01 April 2011: Hello from sandy plains!

Well, I finally made it to the desert! I realize it's been a long time and I have been lacking in attention to my blog, but I was so busy that I forgot all about the little things I've needed to do while the big things were taking up my attention. A lot has gone on in the past few months so let me explain...

Before leaving on my adventure, during February it became apparent that the relationship I have with Sterling just dived down to another level of seriousness. We are officially considering buying a large piece of land and setting up a stable while he goes further with plans to set up giant solar panels on the property as well. This scared me a little at first, but as I am in no place to put any money on such an endeavor other than towards the monthly bills, I think it scared him more. I was shocked to find out he`d be up for this since he knows nothing about horses, but he wants us both to have a guarantee of staying in the same place, and of course him being brought back to the area where his son is as the threat of him being posted for a time looms nearer.

The second was preparations to leave for up to two months. There were various courses and tests I had to complete in order to prove worthy of coming to Afghanistan. The worst one was the 13km ruck march we had to complete in under two and a half hours with approximately 55 lbs on our backs. My feet hurt so bad after that, you have no idea! It was aweful! But I survived needless to say, and completed it under the required time limit. But that wasn`t the only hurdle. There was also the complications with the herd at the stable having strangles and having to hand over my beasts to my friend Leslie making her responsible for their decontamination when the time comes because I am not there and it is still not time yet. Asl making sure both my babies get the exercise they need while I am away. The cats and snake I don`t worry about because DJ, my trusty neighbour and longtime friend, is there for me and I know my furry friends and legless companion are safe and sound and happy, though missing mommy endlessly as Belle will rip around the house everytime DJ comes in to feed them, and she goes crazy when Sterling visits the apartment on weekends. And Belle isn`t the affectionate one, Marvin is, so I can only imagine how he`s doing. But I know Shadow doesn`t even notice my absence. Oh well, I`ll find her exactly where I left her, sleeping on the end of the couch.

The last a final thing was the process of getting all the things I needed to come here in the first place. The packing was hectic, paperwork is never ending and even the flight here was chaotic as we got on and off the plane three times. Thank god we didn`t have to drag our stuff off the plane everytime too. The military is great for handling things like that. But in the end I am here safe and sound, we`ve had several rocket attacks already and I have experienced my first repatriation ceremony on the flight line. It`s not something I want to see again for obvious reasons. I am however having a blast otherwise, I`ve already gone on a flight, celebrated my brithday here in style, and the gym keeps me occupied since there are no horse in KAF. I`ll see everyone when I get home and hopefully this blog won`t go completely ingored during that time!

Stay out of the shit,
Lady S.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

08 FEB 11: Just... another day...

So bored I can't even get interested get interested in porn... dear lord.

I think everyone has those days that no matter what you do, you can't seem to take an interest or spark some amusement out of things that would normally be entertaining for you. Today I had nothing to do and no where to be. Atleast that's how it felt. I really should have prioritized my time and spent some time studying or cleaning my apartment, but I just couldn't chock up the gumption to move my ample arse off the couch. As I noted, not even porn could drive me to masturbate in my boredom today. Surprisingly though what did motivate me to do something, and by something I mean finally shower and get dressed, was the idea that my poor horse's legs are swollen beyond what they should be and that I should go and wrap them in order to sweat the swelling out, seeing as freezing it out isn't working. Atleast he isn't in pain due to his oversized legs, but that doesn't mean that this condition couldn't be detrimental down the road if I let it continue as it is. So I will be off to the stable momentarily, with the hope that when I return I will attempt to complete the vacuuming, possibly wash the floors, and maybe listen to two or more lectures online for my psychology course.

Sounds like fun, doesn't it?

Stay motivated,
Lady S.

Friday, January 28, 2011

28 JAN 11: So much excitement...

When everything happens at once, all you can do is keep moving...

Or as it's said in country,
"If you're going through hell, keep on moving,
Don't slow down, if you're scared don't show it,
You might get out before the devil even knows you're there!"
Well, depending on what part of life has happened lately, that is how I am thinking. So since nothing is ever simple in my life anyways I'm almost surprised I don't always think like that. But that's neither here nor there.

Recently, I have woken up and come to the realization that my ridiculous speculations as to how serious I feel about Sterling were sad doubts that had grown in the back of my mind due to past fears I had accumulated during my marriage and common-law relationship. He is so good to me I think that i had actually questioned -again- whether I deserved to have someone so wonderful in my life. He's just so good to me and treats me so well that sometimes it amazes me that I could have hooked myself such a great catch, as cheesy as that sounds. Well having come to this realization, I now had the inconvenient issue of having to figure out how to tell him that I now am sure that I want to make a wholehearted effort in our newfound relationship. You know, since we live together already! Of course, he assured my love and devotion by doing two things that are very special and significant to me. The first was that he brought his son to our apartment for the night. To me this means that he not only trusts me to be around his son in a closer way but also that he feels comfortable in bringing me into that part of his life, because his son is, in my opinion, the most important thing in his life. The second was that he was very sneeky and called the company that I was buying my saddle from and he paid off the balance. Now most people would assume that means that my love can be bought, but if you think that, then you are wholly wrong about who I am as a person. Sterling, being the genius that he is, did exactly the thing that no man would probably think to do that would mean the most to me. To buy me something like a saddle or do anything to do with my horses is the first thing that says to me how much he knows me and proves that he knows what is important to me and how to support what is close to my heart. If the way to a man's heart is through his stomach, the way to mine is through the tack store!

And that was about where the positive side of things ends. Everything else is just... bad. The first was the disappointment of having the first of a series of three competitions being held by Wolf Creek Stables cancelled due the terrifyingly cold weather. Understandably, it was so cold it was a hazard to the health of the animals aswell as the people for fear of frost bite, but it did suck to find out what I had been working towards wouldn't happen. That was supposed to happen this past sunday. Since then, almost the entire barn's horses, at Camelstone of course, have gotten sick, and it was today we found out, after getting the results back from the vet, that they all have strangles! And my gelding is the worst of all of them. Of course Sadie is already on the mend, being the vibrant little mare she is, and was the first to have the infection start to drain. I just hope the rest of the herd, including Forest, starts tomorrow. I don't mind going to the stable to wash off their chins so long as that means they're healing and the meds they're on are working. But of course, due to the nature of strangles, this means we won't be able to go to the first or second competition, and I will be in the sandbox for the third. So competing will have to wait until the summer. Also, which isn't so bad but still sucks is I'm kicking my own ass prepping for this stupid Battle Fitness Test (BFT) that I have to pass in order to be allowed to go on tour to Afghanistan, but it's gonna suck! 13 km in 2hrs 26mins and 20secs... beyond me where the 20 seconds came from but hey, gives me time to run across the finish line. And then on top of it all, instead of Sterling saying goodbye to me, I'll be saying goodbye to him because he gets to go on a career course before I even leave. Oh well. It's suck it up time!

Let's hope that everyone survives this crazy time!

Keep moving,
Lady S.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

20 JAN 11: A Step Back

Well I was telling a good friend that I used to write when I was in high school and I figured that I'd prove how "terrible" I was... you be the judge!

Summer sun brings summer rain
In a circle smooth as water
Rises high with the heat of day
And falls into passionate romance
But on white sand firm
With salt of the water
And miles of beach to walk
I take each step with a knowing stare
As I drift into the tide
My legs will tire, my feet will sore
My mind wander with the grace of the wind
But the sun will not set
And the sand will not end
And my mind cease to imagine
The possibilities my dreams hold
For a bright and happy future
I'll travel the world in the blink of an eye
On a carpet of my own creation
Pulled by the colours of places abroad
And the faces I've yet to see
With every step and every turn
My direction takes me someplace else,
So long as my feet will move
My heart beats forever on
The love it glows in and the warmth it feeds
Keeps my soul alive
But the feelings I keep
Down in me deep
Will be my end in the shadows before dawn
The shadows I'm held in now
And forever, should I hold feelings out
But the sand's still there
And the tide will come in
With the rise of another sun
And the beach would come to an end
But my sunset won't fall
And my beach will not end
And vision falls off the cliff of eternity.

(27 AUG 04)

Lady S.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

16 JAN 11: Kindred Spirits Surface Everywhere

When you think you know those around you, people pop out of the closet to surprise you.

Horse people are apparently more common in the military than I thought. Leslie is a girl from my sister crew that, just like I was before I got Sadie, was desperately missing any kind of contact with horses. So having striked up a conversation at work about horses, of course, and she is happily willing to come to the stable and put the miles on Sadie that she is sorely lacking due to the attention I need to pay to Forest to prepare him for competing this summer. I'm trying to sell Sadie still, and hopefully to the right person, but that's kind of hard when she's so forward that it becomes a challenge to ride her everytime she's tacked up. So now, Leslie has a free horse to ride, Sadie is getting the attention she needs until she's sold, and all of this will make it easier to sell her, aside from the fact that I love her and it will be extremely hard to part with my first horse. But if I want to work towards going to Trillium and to take Forest to levels that most Appys wouldn't achieve due to their breed, then I have to devote my attention to him and let go of that emotional part of the whole thing. If I were lucky I'd be able to find her later down the road and give her a home with me to retire and live the last days of her life in peace, I would. But I can't afford it right now. So I'll be keeping my eyes open for my beautiful mare down the road when I can bring her home again.

But in the grand scheme of things, I now have someone to ride with and talk to about horses at work, which is just incredibly awesome! Leslie used to event, and since I'm doing hunter it's not much different, I'm just not into the dressage portion of it. So we'll have plenty in common when we do ride, and I hope that if she buys a horse this spring then whatever she gets will hopefully be at around Forest's level and we can compete together, or push each other to move ahead. Either way it'll be cool to have someone to hang with. Especially since she lives in the same town I do and we can go to the stable together. I'm such a loser to be so happy to have a horsey buddy that's at around the same level as I am but I'm so excited I just don't care. And I can't wait to introduce her to all the horse stuff in the area, especially the different competitions and possibilities close by.

Yay!!! Horse-everything! Whoop whoop!

Lady S.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

9 JAN 11: Hell Week Ends

If anyone thought that working in a strip bar was fun, they were wrong...

Our poor day bartender got her foot crushed by an unruly customer so for the next month the bar needed to find people to take over for her. I wasn't exactly doing anything important with my last week of vacation so I volunteered to take over for my last week. I figured it'd be easy extra money... Until I got the biggest migraine ever the night after the last day of work. And sadly, it's not even over. I have to go back into the bar today to clean it after a night of retards coming in to get smashed and watch titties bounce on stage. Then, after vacuuming and mopping, I get to teach a private pole dancing lesson to an apparently very shy girl. Oh this should be fun!
The worst part of this was that though I did not have to work on the Monday, I spent the morning of that day puking and hoping that I would be able to go to work the next day. So a wonderful beginning and a wonderful finish to a boring, dry, wasyed week. But atleast I got paid for it.

The part that really sucks though is it's hard to keep to my resolution of not eating after 8pm unless at work when I wasn't getting home in time to make something to eat and actually eat it before 8. And of course, it took up precious riding time. Yay...

Wish me luck for next week,
Lady S.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

01 JAN 11: And the New Year Comes!

Yet another year with the chance of it going to shit. Let us hope there is more in store for this one than there was the last!

Another New Year's Eve came and went bringing us into 2011. For this one dragged Sterling with me to Angus, the dreaded town that essentially kisses the ass of CFB Borden where I spent a horrifying year and a half in school at CFSATE (Canadian Forces School of Aerospace Technology and Engineering). Dear lord I had hoped never to see that disgusting place again, but unfortunately that was the latest posting for my buddy Terry and his wife, Erin, and his son, Drennan. Terry had invited me to his place for a party and I figured that since I always seemed to hum and haw over whether I would go to his place the various times he had invited me out, with everytime culminating in me being lazy and chickening out, deciding not to make the trip. So finally, feeling guilty that I had not gone to see them at all in the past few years, I packed my bags and drove the 3 hours to Angus. I have to say that I am thanking the gods that Sterling came with me because I don't think I would have gone alone. And I have to admit it was a nice little foray away from home for the night. I was able to scream all I want!

But seriously it gave us the chance to talk about things that had come up over the phone while I had been at my mother's, which I think we had both needed. It was quiet and restricted from interruptions which made for thorough explanations to be made. The issues I speak of are sadly all external to our actual relationship. As individuals it is almost scary how easy it is for us to live together and be together. There are never any true disagreements that could cause any serious tension and I'm shocked at how readily we were able to assimilate into a natural flow when at home considering how little time we have been together officially. The only issues I see are to do with unfinished business for Sterling, and undead feelings for me. But overtime I hope that all of this will work itself out. I am still unsure as to what I want but I hope that I'm shown what I need and that I make the right choice. I still fear giving up on something that is steadfast and sure for something that is turbulent though passionate and volatile. Though I do know myself far too well to be willing to settle for what is simple and easy, even if it feels good.

Otherwise, I am still in considerations over whether to sell my mare. There is a sale at Carson's in March just before I go to the desert and it hasd been suggested to me to put up posters at the local barns in the area to see if I can get a reasonable price for her and know that she is going to a good home, but I sit there and think of her potential and the breeding possibilities and the fact that for the mean time I can afford her upkeep, I just don't have the time to put into her. So for this year I am going to attempt to put the time into her. I don't ride half as long as I sometimes should, but if I have to cut my riding time from 45 mins to 30 per animal in an attempt to give them both attention, i might find that I will have the time for both and that Sadie will get the work she needs to stay trained and behaving the way she is supposed to. I can only hope I don't wear myself out in the mean time.

Here's hoping!
Lady S.