Do you believe I am horse crazy, or just crazy?

Sunday, December 5, 2010

05 DEC 10: No Energy Here

Do you ever have one of those weekends where no matter how little you do you're still exhausted and just want to go to bed? That pretty much explains my entire weekend....

My friday started off alright, saying goodbye to Sterling, my boyfriend for all intensive purposes, and hoped to complete the philosophy assignment I spoke of in my last entry. Of course, amidst completing that paper, I also had promised to participate in the Stirling Santa Clause Parade on my friend Curtis' float for his company and my stable. Well that of course had me working til the last minute on my paper. And by the last minute I mean right up until midnight. Of course, once finished I was no where near interested in going to bed yet because I needed to bring down my level of anxiety over what I had just had to complete. So I got to sleep around an unreasonable hour an awoke to a day full of work. First thing I had to wake up and go to the bar I have a part time job at and clean and open until 6pm. During my shift I got an offer to work that night aswell from 10 til 1am, so being the opportunist I am I took the shift and had a long day of generic bar theatrics. Once home I of course crawled into bed with the hope that the next day I would find the energy to do all the things I had to do. Of course, as you can tell from the title I did not. A small amount of cleaning was all that occupied me today other than feeding myself. I couldn't even rouse my interest in the way of going to the stable. The thought of the fact that I haven't gone to see my animals since Thursday and that they would probably be of the inclination to act up, especially Sadie who hasn't been ridden in two weeks. And just the thought of that had me drained like water down the sink. I couldn't bring myself to do more than throw my laundry in and could barely take an interest in doing the dishes, which is surprisingly a chore I like to do. I just have this feeling that the world doesn't have enough hours in the day and that the expectations people put on themselves is far beyond what any one person can accomplish daily without taking that one day a week to just deflate from all our normal pressures. Or I might have a slight amount of A.D.D. in the fact that I can't concentrate on anything in my life unless I'm in process of 5 things at once.

Otherwise, so long as things go somewhat smoothly, I can deal with the occasional bumps. Stable tomorrow! Back to the horsies!

Ta ta y'all,
Lady S.

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