Do you believe I am horse crazy, or just crazy?

Saturday, December 11, 2010

11 DEC 10: Karma is Still in Arrears

Well I guess no matter how hard I try I will still get cut off at the knees... for the most part.

So the last few days have given me more and more hurdles to conquer. I got a notice in the mail stating that I owe the government approximately 700$ in order to come up to snuff on my taxes from last year. This is mostly due to the fact that the part time job I had in 2009 did not give me a T4 to bring in to do my taxes. Yay... So I am stuck giving the government money that would have gone top better things but I guess atleast I got told now and not later, seeing as the government, in their "infinite" wisdom, has decided to already charge me interest on the repayment though I was only given notice of this money owing yesterday. God love the government I work for!

So on top of this mishap, I had planned on giving my ex (yes this does sound as wierd as it's going to sound further along) his gift early. Tonight we were supposed be going to Toronto to the Leafs vs Habs game... and his work had him rushing back to home base to for briefings at the same time the puck was supposed to drop. He atleast came to pick up some stuff he had to get from me but what I did not like was that he didn't tell me that he couldn't go until he got here. So I was scrambling to figure out what to do with tickets I had paid 200$ for. Luckily I had found one of my buddies from work to buy the tickets, but when I took the money to the bank so that I could pay bills online, I was flustered enough to be retarded in typing into the machine 100$. Thank god banks are thorough and they check up on things like that immediately.

My plans are shot for the most part. I was looking forward to saving up for working towards getting my Coaching Level 1 for english riding and to possibly be able to afford a new saddle that will last me through the majority of my riding years. It sounds like a fashion show, but unfortunately quality lasts as much as it costs. I guess I will have to put off my own pursuits in order to be able to afford my responsibilities, but when I've already been doing this for 4 years, it wears on your patience. I just hope my tour comes through and maybe will alleviate my responisbilities that much more. Especially since I have yet to find out how much I will be responsible for giving to the bank for my first husband's car that he decided to drop on my doorstep. These are all wonderful food for thought as I go into my psychology exam on Monday. But as per usual I will continue with my strong back bone and take the force of the brunt. Kinda the way my face did on Wednesday!

For those of you who read this, hope to hell you don't have my luck!

Lady S.

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