Merry fucking Christmas! ...And not in a bad way.
I find it wonderfully refreshing to live where I do in a semi-backwater country town where no matter who you are or what you look like, when you walk out of a store or are leaving after a meal, or even when talking to a stranger, during this season they will respond with, "Merry Christmas!" As a person who is neither religious nor opposed to people being involved heavily in their own religion, I am so tired of listening to the political correct bullshit that most store clerk nowadays are required to spew. Happy holidays or season's greetings are hardly my idea of specific to this time of year. Now that's not to say that I would even mind a friendly "Happy Hannukah" were I to be speaking with someone who was Jewish. I my opinion, if that is what you are celebrating, why not wish others good tidings in the manner in which you are celebrating. This does not mean that you are expecting to be reciprocated in a like manner, but that you are simply wishing someone else well during your time of happiness. Sharing of a good thing is no crime.
Now on to something else. I honestly am not a Christmas time person and have not truly enjoyed this time of the year since I was a child due to my parents and their attitudes because they were divorced. They handled it very badly when we as children (we being my brother and I) were not really old enough to be making choices as to whom we spent our holidays with. being older now I do whatever the hell I want and am happy about it. But I guess my good nature came out this year because I deemed to spend some time with my father's side of the family. Of course this meant that I had to be around my father. I have not spoken to my father in over two years because when your own father blames you for the fact that he does not care for his pet and essentially makes it out to sound like you are cruel to little animals, you lose respect for the person that brought you into the world. Well because I had decided not to be around my father, that also meant that I was not around my aunt, cousin, and grandparents. And that's not fair to them. So I not only spent Christmas Eve dinner at my aunt's in their company (my father remarried) but I was also patient as a saint while I went to dinner at their new house for Christmas Day aswell. I don't know how I did it but I survived, and I did it fabulously in a sexy little black flapper-girl-style dress with black velvet heels that made me the tallest person in the house.
I must admit though, for the few thoughtful gifts I received from my family, the best one I got was not even supposed to be given to me for Christmas. My cousin Katie at 18 used to ride dressage for a few years but a year or two ago she delepoed degenerating disks which means she is restricted from riding for the rest of her life. Well I guess my aunt Jill (my father's sister) had bought her two pairs of very expensive full-seat breeches and being that she can't ride anymore, she offered them to me so they would be of use to someone. Of course they were my size aswell so I have just been tickled pink about the gift since I got them yesterday. And as simple as it was to offer Katie's unused breeches for my use, it saved me from having to buy them for next season, but being that Jill only buys the best, of course they are from a brand that are 100$ each. So in essence, I made out like a bandit!
I think the only negative thoughts I've been having during the holidays, other than straining to have patience for family, is that I have had to seriously start considering to sell my mare. Sadie is such a sweet girl and she has bonded to me so well in the two years she's been mine, but since I don't compete on her and she is still in training, I just don't give her the amount of time she deserves. With having to work with Forest most of the time to keep him up to snuff so I can do more english competitions next year, that means that if I go to the stable and can only ride one of them, I'll only ride Forest. Atleast it's not like I can't afford her, but when she's not getting the attention a horse her age and breed needs she tends to act up, and I won't let her get away with bad behaviour. But eventually when all I'm doing is reprimanding her for how she acts, she'll sour to being handled, and that's no good. So I will put her up for sale, and I'll even be taking her to a sale in the spring, but if she doesn't get enough money, she will be coming home until TBs go back into fashion and she does bring the right price. I just know it's going to be very hard after all the work I've put into her and how close we've gotten. Her being my first horse will also make it heart-wrenching.
For those of you who are lucky to be with your loved ones for Christmas, give a prayer for those who aren't, can't, and for those who are off in far lands doing their duty. We're pulling for ya, we're all in this together.
Love to all,
Lady S.
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